The Howling Wind - A Lesson Plan and Resources About the Wind

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The students will learn about wind and where it comes from.
The students will be able to explain how wind is measured.
The students will be able to define the terms: downburst, derecho, doldrums, Santa Ana winds, monsoons, prevailing westerlies, polar easterlies, and jet stream.
Questions that encompasses the objective:
Think about the wind. How would you describe wind?
How is the wind during a storm different from wind on a sunny day?
Why do you think the wind is so powerful?
Prepare the Learner: Activating Prior Knowledge.
How will students prior knowledge be activated?
Warm up by asking students:
What do you know about wind?
Common Core State Standards:
Materials and Free Resources to Download for this Lesson:
Introductory YouTube Video: “Kids Learn About What Makes Wind” by EZ Tales
“All About Weather” Science Journal (Student Copy & Teacher Copy)
Page 46: What is Wind?
Pages 47-48: Wind Terms
Page 49: The Beaufort Scale
Page 50: How is Wind Measured?
Page 51: Global vs. Local Winds
Pages 52-53: Wind Systems
Experiment: “Will It Blow in the Wind?”
Hand-Held Fan (one for each group, if possible)
Experiment Materials: leaf; paper; Lego or block; pencil; rock; string; paper clip; magnet
Unit Resources:
What is the most important content in this lesson?
To reach this lesson’s objective, students need to understand:
The definition to the terms: downburst, derecho, doldrums, Santa Ana winds, monsoons, prevailing westerlies, polar easterlies, and jet stream
What wind is and where it comes from.
The Beaufort Scale and how meteorologists measure wind.
The difference between global winds and local winds.
How will the learning of this content be facilitated?
The teacher should begin class by showing the YouTube Video: “Kids Learn About What Makes Wind” by EZ Tales. The video is a book read to the students and is about a minute and a half long. The video discusses what wind is and where it comes from. After the video is over, the teacher should begin a discussion about the content. The teacher should ask the students to describe the different types of wind they have experienced (i.e., wind during storms, breezes in the summer or by the sea). Ask the students the differences between wind during a storm and wind on a regular day.
After the discussion is done, the teacher will begin presenting the information on weather. If it is possible, project each page of the teacher’s copy of the “All About Weather” Science Journal worksheet onto the board using a projector or put into a PowerPoint document and project. The teacher’s copy of the journal has certain words/phrases that are bolded red and highlighted. It is important the teacher explain to the students those words/phrases are to be highlighted in their (students) journal. For this lesson, the teacher should review these pages:
Page 46: What is Wind?
** This page reviews what wind is and where it comes from**
Pages 47-48: Wind Terms
**These pages review the different terms associated with wind**
Page 49: The Beaufort Scale
**This page reviews the Beaufort Scale and how wind is categorized**
Page 50: How is Wind Measured?
**This page reviews how wind is measured**
Page 51: Global Winds vs. Local Winds
**This page reviews the differences between global winds and local winds**
Pages 52-53: Wind Systems
**This page reviews the different wind systems/ names that are found around the world**
After the information has been presented, the students will participate in the activity “Will It Blow in the Wind?” The teacher should give each student an experiment worksheet and instruct them to break into groups of three or four. Each group will get one hand-held fan. On desks set up around the room are the experiment materials. The teacher should instruct the students to fill out the first column (predictions) on the experiment worksheet. The students will then go around the room, to each desk, and use the fan to see if the item moves. After testing each item, the students will write done if their prediction was correct. Once all of the groups have finished, the teacher should reconvene and discuss the results.
For the closure, the teacher should review the key terms/ any information that may have been difficult for the students.
Finally, the students should fill out the worksheet “What Do You Think?” explaining why they think some of the objects “blew in the wind” and why some didn’t.
3-5 minutes
Guided Introduction
Review the class/ agenda with the students:
Introductory YouTube Video: “Kids Learn About What Makes Wind” by EZ Tales
Discussion: Science Journal (Pages 46-53)
Experiment: “Will It Blow in the Wind?”
Discussion of Experiment
15 minutes
Introductory Video: “Kids Learn About What Makes Wind”
Show the students the YouTube Video: “Kids Learn About What Makes Wind” by EZ Tales.
After the video begin a discussion about the content.
20 Minutes
Wind | Wind Terms | Beaufort Scale | How is Wind Measured? | Global and Local Winds | Wind Systems
Instruct the students to open to page 16 in their science journals.
Project each page of the science journal onto the board either through a projector or PowerPoint presentation.
The teacher copy has bolded red and highlighted words. The students will highlight those words in their science journal.
Begin presenting the information. The pages that will be presented include: pages 46-53.
20 Minutes
Experiment: “Will It Blow in the Wind?”
Hand out the “Will It Blow in the Wind?”
Instruct the students to break into groups of three or four. Give each group a hand-held fan
Explain to the students that they will fill out column one on the worksheet. Then the students will go around the room and use the fan to see if the item moved. The students will then fill out column two on their worksheet.
Allow the students about 15 minutes to work on the experiment. Reconvene and discuss.
10 minutes
For the closure, the teacher should review the key terms/ any information that may have been difficult for the students.
Finally, the students should fill out the worksheet “What Do You Think?” explaining why they think some of the objects “blew in the wind” and why some didn’t.
Individualized Instruction/Scaffolding
English Language Learners will be supported in this lesson through data-based heterogeneous grouping, verbal and written repetition of new vocabulary words, and multiple representation of vocabulary words through printed images and video.