The Scientific Method - Getting Ready for the Experiments

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The students will learn about the scientific method.
The students will be able to list the steps of the scientific method.
The students will be able to explain the steps of the scientific method.
Questions that encompasses the objective:
Think about the role of a scientist. What do you think it is like to be a scientist?
Think about the experiments they do. Do you think it is easy or hard to conduct an experiment?
What's the goal of an experiment?
Prepare the Learner: Activating Prior Knowledge.
How will students prior knowledge be activated?
Warm up by asking students:
What do you know about the scientific method?
Common Core State Standards:
Materials and Free Resources to Download for this Lesson:
Youtube Video: “Scientific Method Box” by Sciencefix
“Rocks & Minerals” Science Journals (Teacher Copy & Student Copy)
Highlighters (one per student)
Pages 12 & 13
“Conducting an Experiment” activity:
What is the most important content in this lesson?
To reach this lesson’s objective, students need to understand:
The scientific method and why it is used.
The steps of the scientific method.
How will the learning of this content be facilitated?
The teacher will begin the class by showing the students the video: “Scientific Method Box” by Sciencefix. The video is about 4 minutes long and introduces the students to the scientific method by showing them a box with names on it. The names on the box follow a pattern. Every side of the box, except for one, has a name on it. The students have to look at the clues and guess what the “missing” name is. The video also shows what it is like to have unexpected results. The teacher should have the students watch the video and then discuss the content afterwards. The teacher should allow for some extra time to discuss the experiment in the video.
Next, the teacher will begin presenting the information on the scientific method. If it is possible, project each page of the teacher’s copy of the “Rocks & Minerals” Science Journal worksheet onto the board using a projector or put into a PowerPoint document and project. The teacher’s copy of the journal has certain words/phrases that are bolded red and highlighted. It is important the teacher explain to the students those words/phrases are to be highlighted in their (students) journal. For this lesson, the teacher should review these pages:
12: The Scientific Method
13: “Label the Scientific Method” (In-Class Activity)
After the information has been presented, the students will participate in the activity “Conducting an Experiment”. The teacher should instruct the students to break into groups of three. The teacher will give each group an “Experiment Card” and “Experiment” worksheet. The students will read the question on the card and fill out the worksheet. Prior to starting the activity, the teacher should show the students the example/ completed experiment worksheet. The teacher should allow the students about 15 minutes to work on the activity. Once all the groups are done, the teacher should have them present their experiments to the class.
After the experiment is over, the students should reconvene and the teacher should discuss the activities.
Have the students answer the question on the document entitled “Scientific Method: Assessment”
3-5 minutes
Guided Introduction
Review the class/ agenda with the students:
Introductory Activity/ Video: “Scientific Method Box” by Sciencefix
Discussion: “Scientific Method” (pages 12 & 13)
Activity: “Setting Up an Experiment”
Discussion of Activity
15 minutes
Introductory Activity/ Video: “Scientific Method Box”
Show the students the video: “Scientific Method Box” (Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrAGg-bKMho)
After the video, begin a discussion about the content.
15 Minutes
Discussion: Scientific Method
Introduce the topic “Scientific Method”
Instruct the students to go to page 12 in their science journals.
Project each page of the science journal onto the board either through a projector or PowerPoint presentation.
The teacher copy has bolded red and highlighted words. The students will highlight those words in their science journal.
Begin presenting the information. The pages that will be presented include: pages 12 and 13.
15 Minutes
Activity: “Conducting an Experiment”
Have the students break into groups of three..
Give each group an “Experiment Card” and an “Experiment” worksheet.
Show the students the sample/completed experiment worksheet prior to starting the activity.
Instruct the students to read their experiment card and complete the worksheet.
Allow the students about 15 minutes to complete the activity.
At the end of 15 minutes, reconvene and discuss the activity.
10 minutes
After the experiment is over, the students should reconvene and the teacher should discuss the activities.
Have the students answer the question on the document entitled “Scientific Method: Assessment”
Individualized Instruction/Scaffolding
English Language Learners will be supported in this lesson through data-based heterogeneous grouping, verbal and written repetition of new vocabulary words, and multiple representation of vocabulary words through printed images and video.